IPCA Membership
Membership Requirements
Eligibility for full membership in IPCA is limited to Chiefs of Police of the State of Iowa and/or Department Executives of major state/federal law enforcement related agencies.
Fee Schedule
- $125.00 for Full Members - Chief executive officers Renew Membership | Newly appointed Chief? The first year is free | Apply
- $75.00 for Associate Members - active duty command staff, etc; Written Chief/Department Head approval required access to IPCA Web site and Forum. Apply | Renew Membership
- $25.00 for Retired Associate Members - retired executive officers Apply | Renew Membership
- $300.00 for Sustaining Associates Members (business sponsors) Apply | Renew Membership
- The first year is free to new executives or new member agencies
If you are new to IPCA, use of the links above to submit your membership application. You will be presented with the option to send a check or use a credit card for your dues payment. Your site access will be vetted before you are provided access, usually in 1-2 business days.
Need our W-9? 
If mailing payment, send payment to: Iowa Police Chiefs Association 500 SW 7th Street, Ste 101 Des Moines, IA 50309